The Centers for Disease Control defines wellness as “the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about life”. We are committed to helping challenge people to discover their inner motivation to achieve wellness, which is inherent in us all. That’s where our Wellness Program and Health Coaches can be an integral part of partnering with individuals or groups to overcome obstacles that inhibit their path to health and wellness.
The payback for investing in health coaching whether through worksite wellness programs or private sessions can be measured in various ways, including decreased direct healthcare costs – as much as $3.27 for every dollar spent, increased performance measures, increased employee satisfaction, lower rates of work absenteeism – as much as $2.73 for every dollar spent, and a reduced prevalence of chronic disease. Additionally, workplace health programs are increasingly seen as a core component of an attractive employee compensation and benefits package, and recruitment and retention tool to attract and maintain high-quality employees.
Our proven evidenced-based interventions include active listening, motivational interviewing to facilitate behavior change, goal setting, and health education that relies on existing validated sources and is focused on skill development that is consistent with clients’ readiness to make behavior change.
We offer individual one-on-one coaching, worksite wellness programs - voluntary worksite health screening linked with coaching for follow-up on modifiable risks – and group wellness workshops or lunch and learns tailored to the needs of the audience.
For further information, Contact Us at 847-260-5140